A collection of links for Sacred Harp and shape note singing. Warning: last time I checked for dead links was in 2022.
Bay Psalm Book, revised edition — a late edition of the 1651 revision
Hymns Composed by Different Authors — 1810 Universalist hymnal, co-edited by Hosea Ballou
Newton and Cowper, Olney Hymns
Sternhold and Hopkins, "Old Version" of Psalms
Tate and Brady, "New Version" of Psalms
1860 Sacred Harp and 1911 Sacred Harp (James ed.)
American Musical Miscellany (1798)
Belcher, Supply: Harmony of Maine Supply
Billings: New England Psalm Singer
Billings: Psalm-Singer’s Amusement
Billings: Singing Master’s Assistant
Holyoke, Samuel: Harmonia Americana (1791)
Jenks, Stephen: Collected Works
Selection of Sacred Harmony (Philadelphia, 1788)
Swan, Timothy: Federal Harmony
Walker: Southern and Western Pocket Harmonist (1860)