Now Shall My Inward Joys Arise


About this website

Back in 2007, I hand coded the first incarnation of this website in HTML with what was then state-of-the-art CSS. It was a way to indulge some of my interests of that time — mountain dulcimer, abc notation, web development, etc. But I didn't do much with the site for the next three years.

I began singing Sacred Harp music in 2008. In 2010 I decided to convert this site to a Sacred Harp blog. I wanted to write about my experiences as a new Sacred Harp singer. I blogged about local singings, all-day singings and conventions, and some of the unusual venues where I’ve sung Sacred Harp: on stage with poet Coleman Barks, in the Santa Cruz Baroque Festival, in a classroom at Stanford Univ., during a peace walk, etc. During the pandemic, I blogged about my experiences with online singing.

Unfortunately, my Sacred Harp blog was compromised by criminal hackers in 2023. I quickly made a simple static HTML website which contained the material I felt was of broadest interest. Maybe some day I&rsqo;ll resurrect the blog as a historical record..


screenshot of an old webpage

Screenshot of the original Three Oranges website.


Sacred Harp and me

Learned Sacred Harp in the Boston area beginning in 2008 with Norumbega Harmony. From 2011 to 2022, at various times served as chair, vice-chair, secretary, arranging committee, kitchen committee, housing coordinator, chaplain for Bay Area singings including (in alphabetical order): All California Convention, Coghlan/Helwig Memorial, Golden Gate All Day, Marian Bush Half Day, Palo Alto All Day, Santa Cruz All Day, Ziegler Memorial. Helped start the Palo Alto All Day Singing in 2012, and served as first chair. Helped start the Dominic Ciavonne Ziegler Memorial Singing in 2013, and served as first chair. When COVID hit, participated in Bay Area online singing sessions.

Moved to Massachusetts in 2022. I attend nearby all-day singings and conventions when my schedule (and COVID) allows.


A Sacred Harp singing.

Jack and Marianne leading at the first Dominic Ciavonne Ziegler Memorial Singing, Old Felta Schoolhouse, Healdsburg, Calif., in 2013.

Other music and me

I'm a Unitarian Universalist minister with an interest in early American hymnody. While I’ve sung in traditional choruses and smaller ensembles, I'm probably most interested in singing with children. I’m a mediocre musician (at best), but I like organizing; most recently, I helped organize the Cohasset ʻUkulele Circle.

These days I mostly play ʻukulele, often with kids, and play in a handbell choir.


Four singers with music in a mall.

Singing Renaissance love songs on the street in San Francisco. We got thrown out by security not long after this photo was taken.

Four singers in a larger chorus,singing.

With the San Francisco Labor Chorus in 2014.